The Birth Story Series - Becky’s Story
Welcome to the Birth Story Series! Sharing birth stories helps normalize birth and takes some of the fear of the unknown out of the equation. I am excited to share this space to honor birth stories from women in our community. Birth is transformative, beautiful, and profound no matter how it happens!
If you'd like to share your birth story send us an email by filling out our contact form here. All birth experiences and stories are welcome here; epidural, unmedicated, c-section, loss, home birth, however birth looked for you, this is a safe space to share!
I was pregnant with my first child. The fetal sex was a surprise, and the pregnancy went well and uneventful.
My due date came and still no contractions or signs of pending birth. I saw my OB and I was only 1 cm and 50% effaced. I was scheduled for a follow up in 1 week and for an induction if I didn’t go into labor on my own.
The 1 week follow up appointment came, and I still had not started contractions. I was still only 1 cm and 50% effaced. I shared with my OB that I felt like the baby was moving less. Based on my a biophysical profile ultrasound was performed checking the baby’s movement, practice breaths and swallows. Baby passed with 8 out 8, so I was allowed to wait to see if my body would start labor on its own in the next 4 days. That did not happen.
On induction day my husband and I got up, showered, and went to the hospital at 7 am. It was a warm summer morning. I was 41 weeks and 4 days. They checked my progress, and I was 2 cm and 50% effaced. Baby had not dropped at all since my due date. A foley bulb was placed to help dilate my cervix which would likely take a while, but it fell out within 10 minutes. That was great news and meant I was now 4 cm. Pitocin medication was started and around 9am contractions started, but they were mild, and I was able to walk around. My husband had his phone pedometer and tracked that we walked 6.5 miles around the nurses’ station between 10 am – 3 pm trying to bring on more active contractions. At 3:55 pm my doctor broke my water to help intensify contractions- which worked! My contractions started instantly to be intense and coming every two minutes. I could no longer walk without needing to bend over and breath. I was able to get in the tub to help relax and focus on breathing. By 7pm I was only 5 cm and so tried. I asked for an epidural. However, I would have to wait another hour as there was a mass trauma at the hospital. All anesthesiologists were in the ER helping. I got lucky and an anesthesiologist who was on his way out stopped in OB to discuss a case for the next day. The kind nurse asked him to give me the epidural. He graciously did and I remember the instant relief. My husband also remembers my face and body relaxed. Maybe if I could relax my cervix could too.
At 10 pm to my disappointment I was only at 6 cm and 90% effaced. I had been in labor 12 hours and had only gained 4 cm. Labor was progressing slowly and an they placed IUPC-a monitory placed in the uterus to measure the strength of contractions. At this time, it was also noted that baby was not lined up with the birth cancel and a shoulder was presenting first. I was moved between multiple positions with peanut ball and on all fours to help give baby space to move down. Contractions were still strong and coming every 2 minutes but by 2:50 am I was only 7cm and my cervix was swollen from the baby’s position. I was told to rest and wait.
At 3:30 am 6 people rushed into the dark room –monitors were going off. I had a fever and baby’s heart rate was elevated. Multiple bags of IV antibiotics were given and my fever started to go down and the baby’s heart rate normalized. I was diagnosed with in an infection in my uterus (chorioamnionitis). At 5 am I was still 7 cm and no progress. My doctor mentioned the possibility of needing a c-section. With no progress and an open water bag with infection, time was limited on waiting to get baby out. Baby was still angled and not lined up in the birth canal. I had one more hour to see if any progress would happen.
My husband is a realist and knows how to ground me – he said “I know this is not what you want or had planned, but 1 hour is not going to change things. You are going to have a c-section and the doctor was giving you one hour to cry about it and be ok with it.” That was hard to hear, but it was true! I had to adjust my mindset, my plan, my hopes.
At 6:17 am the plan was set, baby was coming by c-section. I was ready and we knew baby would be in our arms soon. I was wheeled back to the OR at 6:55 am. The anesthesiologist was kind and I asked if I could have my arms free to touch my baby. She agreed and she also grabbed the camera from my husband. She said she would take the photos.
At 7:11 am the doctor took control of the room and told all involved that no one says the sex except dad. And then at 7:15 am she made the first cut.
At 7:23 am baby was out with the sweetest cry! The doctor asked “dad what is it?” and held the baby up over the blue drape. “I can’t see, your hand is in the way!” was his response. “Oh hear you go” and he yelled “It’s a BOY!” Tears fell from my eyes. Baby boy was taken to a warmer and checked over. His feet and hands were blue and I kept asking what was wrong. I was reassured nothing was wrong and he was fine.
Finally, my husband laid him wrapped in a blanket on my chest. His sweet squishy face was beautiful. Shortly after, they moved us all back into the L&D room, sat me up and I was able to hold him in my arms for the first time!
This was not my birth plan. I had not even considered that I would need a c-section. But my baby was healthy, and he was here.